Browsing by Author "Skogan, Gunnar"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Assessment of the dispersion of Legionella-containing aerosols from a biological treatment plant
Blatny, Janet Martha; Tutkun, Murat; Fossum, Hannibal Eie; Skogan, Gunnar; Fykse, Else-Marie; Andreassen, Øyvind; Waagen, Viggo; Reif, Bjørn Anders Pettersson (2011)Legionella was detected in aeration ponds (biological treatment plant) at Borregaard Ind. Ltd., Norway, and in air samples harvested directly above these ponds. Since 2005, three outbreaks of legionellosis occurred within ... -
Characterization of the chemical, biological and radiological environment in the Arctic World Archive
Skogan, Gunnar; Bøifot, Kari Oline; Orr, Russell John Scott; Dybwad, Marius; Enger, Elin; Bunkan, Arne Joakim Coldevin; Gohli, Jostein (2022-12-16)This report describes the characterization of the chemical, biological and radiological environment in a decommissioned coal mine (Mine 3) on Svalbard, where the Artic World Archive (AWA), established by Piql and Store ... -
Comparative testing and evaluation of nine different air samplers: End-to-end sampling efficiencies as specific performance measurements for bioaerosol applications
Dybwad, Marius; Skogan, Gunnar; Blatny, Janet Martha (2014)Accurate exposure assessments are needed to evaluate health hazards caused by airborne microorganisms and require air samplers that efficiently capture representative samples. This highlights the need for samplers with ... -
Comparison of 294 nm and 355 nm excitation wavelengths in UVLIF standoff detection of biological aerosols released in a semi-closed chamber
Farsund, Øystein; Rustad, Gunnar; Skogan, Gunnar (2012-02-07)FFI has previously developed a lidar for standoff detection of biological aerosols based on ultraviolet laser induced fluorescence, using an excitation wavelength at 355 nm. A 294 nm laser source has been developed and ... -
Deltagelse i NATO/PFP - interlaboratorieøvelse for deteksjon/identifikasjon av biologiske stridsmidler
Olsen, Jaran Strand; Skogan, Gunnar; Økstad, Ole Andreas; Fykse, Else Marie (2000)NATO styrker. enten i fredsbevarende operasjoner eller i annen type strid, kan bli utsatt for angrep/sabotasje med biologiske våpen. I en slik situasjon er det viktig at en hurtig evaluering av situasjonen er mulig for ... -
Evaluation of a highly discriminating multiplex multi-locus variable-number of tandem-repeats (MLVA) analysis for Vibrio cholerae
Olsen, Jaran Strand; Aarskaug, Tone; Skogan, Gunnar; Fykse, Else-Marie; Ellingsen, Anette Bauer; Blatny, Janet Martha (2009)Vibrio cholerae is the etiological agent of cholera and may be used in bioterror actions due to the easiness of its dissemination, and the public fear for acquiring the cholera disease. A simple and highly discriminating ... -
Evaluation of Optoflow Microcyte(R) flow cytometer
Gran, Hans Christian; Skogan, Gunnar; Olsen, Jaran Strand (2002)Optoflow Microcyte flow cytometer has been evaluated with regard to its user-friendliness and ability to detect different types of bacteria. Bacillus cereus and Escherichia coli are tested at different concentrations and ... -
FFIs deltakelse i SIBCRA-laboratorieøvelse for blandede prøver, november 2007 - februar 2008
Breivik, Hanne; Olsen, Jaran Strand; Opstad, Aase Mari; Skogan, Gunnar; Enger, Elin; Aarskaug, Tone; Kippe, Halvor; Gilljamm, Berit Harstad (2010)FFI deltok i en laboratorieøvelse arrangert av SIBCRA Subgroup” (under ”NAAG/JCG CBRN”), med varighet fra november 2007 til februar 2008. Hensikten var å analysere miljøprøver som kunne inneholde blandinger av både biologiske, ... -
Genetic distribution of 295 Bacillus cereus group members based on adk-screening in combination with MLST (Multilocus Sequence Typing) used for validating a primer targeting a chromosomal locus in B. anthracis
Olsen, Jaran S.; Skogan, Gunnar; Fykse, Else Marie; Rawlinson, Elizabeth L. A.; Tomaso, Herbert; Granum, Per Einar; Blatny, Janet (2007)The genetic distribution of 295 Bacillus cereus group members has been investigated by using a modified Multilocus Sequence Typing method (MLST). By comparing the nucleic acid sequence of the adk gene fragment, isolates ... -
Identification of airborne bacteria by 16S rDNA sequencing, MALDI-TOF MS and the MIDI microbial identification system
Fykse, Else-Marie; Tjärnhage, Torbjörn; Humppi, Tarmo; Eggen, Vilde Sørvik; Ingebretsen, André; Skogan, Gunnar; Olofsson, Göran; Wästerby, Pär; Gradmark, Per-Åke; Larsson, Anders; Dybwad, Marius; Blatny, Janet Martha (2015)The aim of this study was to collect and identify airborne bacteria in Norway, Sweden and Finland and to compare three different technologies for identifying collected airborne bacterial isolates: the “gold standard” method ... -
Identification of biological threat agents in the environment and its challenge
Blatny, Janet Martha; Fykse, Else Marie; Olsen, Jaran Strand; Skogan, Gunnar; Aarskaug, Tone (2008)A release of pathogenic microorganisms may result in infections either in humans or animals, in which the development of clinical symptoms may be the first alert of a biological incident. Rapid, reliable and efficient ... -
Påvisning av biologiske stridsmidler ved bruk av real-time PCR
Fykse, Else Marie; Olsen, Jaran Strand; Skogan, Gunnar (2004)Genetic methods are nowadays considered indispensable for identification of microorganisms. Such methods are used in the field of food safety, clinical diagnostics of humans and animals and for identification of biological ... -
Påvisning av Legionella spp. i luft ved Borregaard
Blatny, Janet Martha; Skogan, Gunnar; Reif, Bjørn Anders Pettersson (2007)Rapporten beskriver et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt (FFI), Folkehelseinstituttet, Telelab AS og Borregaard for å undersøke om ����� legionellabakterier kan påvises i luft ����� legionellabakterier ... -
Påvisning av næringsmiddelpatogener med PCR
Olsen, Jaran Strand; Fykse, Else Marie; Skogan, Gunnar; Blatny, Janet Martha; Opsahl, Morten (2006)Denne rapporten beskriver bruken av den molekylære metoden ”Polymerase Chain Reaction” (PCR) for identifisering av utvalgte sykdomsfremkallende bakterier i næringsmidler. Arbeidet er basert på et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom ... -
Performance evaluation of high-volume electret filter air samplers in aerosol microbiome research
Gohli, Jostein; Dybwad, Marius; Skogan, Gunnar (2020)Background Reliable identification and quantification of bioaerosols is fundamental in aerosol microbiome research, highlighting the importance of using sampling equipment with well-defined performance characteristics. ... -
Report from Round Robin 2006 - SIBA 7th laboratory exercise
Skogan, Gunnar; Blatny, Janet Martha; Olsen, Jaran Strand (2007)The NATO group SIBCRA (Sampling and Identification of Biological Chemical and Radiological Agents) arranged a training exercise with respect to identification of biological agents in March 2006. This is an annual exercise ... -
Sampling and identification of Legionella spp. at Borregaard Ind. Ltd.
Blatny, Janet Martha; Skogan, Gunnar; Reif, Bjørn Anders Pettersson; Andreassen, Øyvind; Thomassen, Gunn Merethe; Aarskaug, Tone; Fykse, Else Marie; Olsen, Jaran Strand (2007)Befolkningen i Sarpsborg/Fredrikstad-området opplevde et utbrudd forårsaket av Legionella pneumophila serogruppe 1 i mai 2005 hvor 56 personer ble registrert smittet. Skrubberanlegget ved Borregaard i Sarpsborg ble ... -
Sampling efficiency and nucleic acid stability during long-term sampling with different bioaerosol samplers
Bøifot, Kari Oline; Skogan, Gunnar; Dybwad, Marius (2024-05-25)Aerosol microbiome studies have received increased attention as technological advancements have made it possible to dive deeper into the microbial diversity. To enhance biomass collection for metagenomic sequencing, long-term ... -
Standoff detection of biological agents using laser induced fluorescence - a comparison of 294 nm and 355 nm excitation wavelengths
Farsund, Øystein; Rustad, Gunnar; Skogan, Gunnar (2012)Standoff detection measuring the fluorescence spectra of seven different biological agents excited by 294 nm as well as 355 nm wavelength laser pulses has been undertaken. The biological warfare agent simulants were released ... -
The subway microbiome: Seasonal dynamics and direct comparison of air and surface bacterial communities
Gohli, Jostein; Bøifot, Kari Oline; Moen, Line Victoria; Pastuszek, Paulina; Skogan, Gunnar; Udekwu, Klas I; Dybwad, Marius (2019-12-19)Background Mass transit environments, such as subways, are uniquely important for transmission of microbes among humans and built environments, and for their ability to spread pathogens and impact large numbers of people. ...